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4 Best Ways To Make Money For Digital Artists Online
Updated over a week ago

Many creative people would love to be financially independent by working as Digital Artists. In this post, you will learn four concrete strategies digital artists can use to make money online. With the proliferation of Internet platforms, Digital Artists can now pursue their passions while also supporting themselves.

New forms of expression have arisen in response to each technological advance; today's artists, however, have at their disposal the most potent artistic instruments ever developed: the internet and integrated circuits. When taken as a whole, they have made the creation of digital art feasible and expanded the market for such works exponentially.

Over the past decade, more than 50 million people have joined the creative economy, and millions more are selling digital art every day. Because of the dynamic nature of the internet and the wide variety of revenue streams available to digital artists, it can be difficult to pin down exactly how they make money in this space.

What exactly is a digital artist?

The term "Digital Artist" refers to a visual creator who makes use of digital tools.

Before the advent of the internet, artists produced physical works such as paintings, sculptures, and other works of art. While there is still a market for conventional forms of art, many creatives today now see the potential of the web to promote and sell their creations.

The majority of digital artists are employed in the film and television industry. Many of them work in the entertainment industry (film, tv, software, design, ad agencies), while others are freelancers or self-employed artists.

The three most important gains of being a digital artist:

The "starving artist" notion is one that digital artists are constantly disproving. As more and more people participate in the emerging creative economy, more and more people see the value in training as a Digital Artist.

- Increased Productivity

It takes a digital artist only minutes to produce a fully formed drawing, design, or image.

It's never been simpler to show your work to thousands of people thanks to the accessibility of powerful design tools (like presets). When resources are available, creative people might realize their ultimate goal: being compensated for their efforts.

- Go Wherever You Want

It's not necessary to have a dedicated studio space in order to produce art. The airport, co-working office, a coffee shop, or even another country could be your current location. The only thing you need to be a designer is a laptop, so you can work remotely from anywhere in the globe.

- Work Is Scalable

Paper, easels, frames, and canvases are just a few of the many tangible items that traditional artists need.

Artists working in digital media have the unique opportunity to reap double revenue from their labor. This expression is applicable to all downloadable items sold on the internet. You can promote and sell digital artwork to the general public and thereby draw in high-end customers.


How to Make Money from Digital Art

Step 1: Use Social Media to Showcase and Sell Your Digital Art

You can expand your digital resume by using social media. Your chosen social media channel should serve as a showcase for your creations. Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok are fantastic places to showcase your visual art for sale since they provide you with a large, engaged audience.

Rhode Montijo is an illustrator who has amassed a huge following on Instagram. He shares his illustration portfolio on AllValue and teaches the fundamentals of digital painting and lighting in his instructional videos.

Rhode Montijo also makes his brushes available to individuals who may not be able to acquire a full set. Therefore, he uses AllValue to make some of his collections available for free or at reduced prices. Currently, Rhode Montijo's digital products range in price from zero dollars to eighty dollars, and they consist of a wide variety of illustrations, brushes, and tutorials.

You can include links to your website or other sales pages in your bio on Instagram. Build your internet reputation and fan base by letting them in on the creative process behind the scenes.


Step 2: Sell Your Digital Art Knowledge

In addition to selling your own works of art, you can also monetize your expertise by creating and publishing courses.

Jane Davies is a video creator and digital artist who thinks the creative process should be enjoyable rather than tortuous. Her channel is packed with helpful advice for aspiring digital artists. After some time in the field, creators who wish to share their knowledge with others often publish online lessons to do just that.

E-books, online-learning programs, and membership sites are all great venues for monetizing your expertise. For added flexibility in pricing, you can also:

- Set different prices for your digital products.

- Make a variety of offerings to cater to the preferences of your target market.

- If you'd want to offer your product for free at first, at least let folks pay you for it.


Step 3: Provide digital downloads of plugins, brushes, and designs

Selling your product or service as a digital download is a great method to expand your reach. Snaxink is an Instagram and TikTok star who makes a living as a digital artist. She makes a living off of peddling digital brushes that speed up the creative processes of CSP, Procreate, and Photoshop users.

Vegalia has effectively leveraged social media to establish an audience and a movement around the goal of empowering marginalized people to use art as a means of self-expression. She was able to pursue her goal of being a full-time Digital Artist by selling digital products with which she strongly identified. Currently, Snaxink has 62 digital products available for purchase on her own AllValue website.


Step 4: Finding Work As a Freelancer (Without Platforms)

Freelancing is an excellent career choice for those who enjoy working independently and who can manage their time effectively.

- Business Email: Look for businesses that interest you, and write them an email outlining your skills and experience. Without a proper portfolio, you should take advantage of your AllValue online profiles to present your work.

- Newsletter: A newsletter's audience extends well beyond its creator. You can utilize them to increase the value of your paintings as well. Get in touch with folks who could appreciate your work by gathering their email addresses. Inquire as to whether they would like receiving fresh drawings (or digital artwork) once or twice a year. This way, you'll always have work because you'll stay in touch with former and potential clients.

- Work with an agent: This is a viable option for creatives who would rather not spend their time marketing and networking. The time and effort you save by working with an agent is offset by the commission they earn. We know it's hard for many digital artists to obtain paying clients, so this will free you up to concentrate on your craft.

Here are some of the primary advantages of using AllValue to sell your digital products:

- Setup is a breeze: Getting started with AllValue is quick. In only 2 minutes, you can have a fully functional, mobile-friendly, and visually appealing storefront set up through AllValue.

- Sell anything: You may use it to market and sell everything you can imagine, from physical goods and services to memberships and digital products like e-books and online courses.

- For creators: that's what AllValue is. Since we'd like you to keep as much of your earnings as possible, using AllValue won't cost you a dime. The percentage we keep from each transaction is little. Better yet, we'll take a smaller percentage of your earnings as your income increases. In this case, everyone benefits.


Setting a Price for Your Digital Work

As a digital artist, you can choose from a variety of income streams, including the following

- Based on Commissions

When someone commissions you to create artwork for them, you are considered a commissioned artist.

Paying a Digital Artist on a per-hour basis is the most frequent practice for commission-based work. Depending on the complexity of the task at hand, determining your hourly fee can be difficult. To determine your hourly rate, divide your target monthly compensation by the number of hours per month you plan to work. Consider including your profit in the total. Always keep in mind that your profit is the amount left over after you've paid your artist's expenses (rent, bills, and materials).

- Promotion of Goods

If you're trying to figure out how much to charge for your digital art, one option is to see what other digital artists are charging. Using this method, you may establish a price for your digital product that reflects its value to the market.


How to Balance Creating And Selling Your Digital Art

As a digital artist, your strength rests in production, yet sales can feel like a burden at times. If you're a Digital Artist who wants to make a good living without burning out, consider these three strategies.

- Schedule your day in advance.

The time you spend on creative work will not be the same as a regular 9 to 5 employment. One of the most well-liked methods of increasing efficiency is time blocking. Use this method to concentrate for a set period of time. There will be tasks that can be completed in under two hours, and others that must be done in odd hours. Using time blocks is a great way to stay on track and get things done.

Time can be set aside for specific activities, such as sketching in the morning and editing in the evening. If you break up your work time with less taxing activities, you can get more done overall. An article in Scientific American cites studies showing that mental breaks improve performance, restore focus, and spark inspiration.

To better manage your time and efforts, try using time blocks to organize your day.

- planning theme days and batching similar jobs.

When you "theme" your day, you perform multiple things at once. When working on numerous jobs or projects at once, it's easy to lose focus. Choosing specific days to focus on each one can help. From Monday through Wednesday, for instance, you could devote time to the creative process. Thursdays and Fridays are ideal for handling the business's administrative duties.

Grouping similar jobs together helps you get more done than going back and forth between creative and administrative work (also known as context flipping). When switching between tasks, you can lose as much as 80 percent of your efficiency. It may seem counterproductive to devote an entire day to a single topic, yet research shows that doing so really increases productivity.

- automate with the use of technology

Now more than ever, digital artists have access to a wealth of resources that allow them to accomplish more in less time. Your job as a digital artist will involve making new work, promoting it, and ultimately selling it. You and your company will benefit a lot from your investment of time in learning about time-saving tools.

If you're a digital artist who wants to maintain an Instagram presence, for instance, a software planner can help you prepare your content in advance. If you spend a few hours planning ahead, you can go days without publishing.



To pursue a career as a Digital Artist, now is the time!

To that end, we hope this article was helpful to you as you work toward becoming a sought-after Digital Artist.

Sign up for an account on AllValue and start selling your digital artwork as soon as possible if you want to establish a name for yourself in the industry.

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